Become a Sponsor, Donate Items, and Buy Tickets
Round Diamond Main Sponsorship
Company name will be displayed throughout the venue, mentions on all social media and website, multiple live mentions during event, 2 complimentary drink tickets per guests, and a reserved table for 8.
Bull & Bourbon Lounge Sponsorship
Carat Diamond Sponsorship
Company name will be displayed at the event, mentions on all social media and website, live mentions during the event, 4 complimentary drink tickets, and reserved seating for 4 at a table.
Denim Level Sponsorship
Beer Saloon & Wine Garden Sponsorship
Company will sponsor both areas with company name displayed, mentions on all social media and website, multiple live mentions throughout the event, 8 complimentary drink tickets, and a reserved table for 8.
Wrangler Sponsorship Level
Reserved table for 8, name to be listed at table and on social media and website.

Please Follow These Two Easy Steps
Step #2
After you've registered your sponsorship and/or ticket selection(s) in step #1, you'll need to complete your purchase by clicking the button below.
... Or Scan This QR Code To Pay
Please select this option if you wish to scan this QR code to pay for sponsorships or tickets.