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Upcoming Class Reunions
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Class of 1962
Classmates from the Class of 1962 gathered for their 60th reunion October 21 - 23, 2022. A Friday night icebreaker was held at Bernie Murray's in Elmira, followed by a dinner on Saturday evening at the Clarion Hotel and Mass on Sunday morning at St. Mary's Church. It was a wonderful weekend!
Class of 1972
The Class of 1972 held their 50th reunion September 24, 2022 at the Hibernian Center in Elmira. Several classmates met at Notre Dame earlier in the day for a tour of the school that brought back many memories. They all had so much fun they have decided not to wait 10 years for the next reunion!
Class of 1970
The Class of 1970 held their 50+2 reunion weekend October 7 - 8, 2022. Classmates met for a Friday night icebreaker at the Hibernian Center and a Saturday night dinner at Bernie Murray's. Everyone had such a great time, the consensus was to do it again in 3 years for the 55th!
Class of 2012
The Class of 2012's 10th was held the weekend of August 12-14, 2022. Classmates gathered at the Alive at Five event on Friday night, followed by a wine tour and dinner at the Green Derby in Elmira on Saturday. A wonderful time was had by all who attended!
Class of 1960
The Class of 1960 gathered for their 62nd reunion the weekend of October 1 -3, 2021. Friends gathered at Bernie Murray’s on Friday evening, met for a luncheon at Hilltop Inn on Saturday, and closed the weekend on Sunday with Mass at St. Patrick’s Church followed by brunch at the Holiday Inn. A wonderful weekend was had by all!
Class of 1961
The Class of 1961 held a luncheon to celebrate their 60th reunion on August 19, 2021 at Tag’s Restaurant in Big Flats, NY. The close knit class enjoyed an afternoon of friendship and shared memories.
Class of 1971
The 50th reunion of the Class of 1971 was held on Saturday, July 31, 2021. Tom Kelly hosted the gathering at his home, “Moondance”, in Hammondsport, NY. The party started at 1:00 pm and stretched into the evening as classmates shared stories, laughter & memories.
Class of 1964
The Class of 1964 held an impromptu gathering on at Lib’s Supper Club in Elmira on July 24, 2021. They had so much fun they are planning another reunion for April 2022 in Florida!

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